PARADOXICAL BALANCE – modelling exercise
PARADOXICAL BALANCE – modelling exercise - Log in
Balance is an important theme in art. The artist who creates in space, like the architect, sculptor or even the dancer, is in constant contact with the physical aspect of balance. Stability is a prerequisite for the security of buildings and sculptures. Its existence is governed by simple, logical physical properties and laws. They can be influenced by calculations and engineering tools.
There is another visual – aesthetic balance at the level of the senses, which is the shapes, directions, spatial arrangements, colours, rhythms, etc. consists of its effects. There are connections between our senses and physical phenomena, but these judgments can no longer be so clearly justified by formulas and calculations, their visual impact can be decisive. Physical and compositional balance can work by reinforcing each other or just acting against each other. Theoretical and practical investigation and application of these effects is the topic of Block–01 (Drawing and composition 3).
2. THE TASK_'PARADOXICAL BALANCE' – modelling exercise
A slat-construction balance installation is to be made in which balance and imbalance are – paradoxically – present at the same time. The construction can be suspended or erected on a base plane. Pine slats of different cross-sections, balsa wood boards, thin fishing line or steel fibres, if necessary, can be used (for tensioning and bending of structural elements). The models may also include one or more moving parts that contribute to achieving or changing the balance position of the structure. These movements can be simple (pendulum, rocking, rotating, etc.), but can also be more complex movements.
It is not obligatory to make a kinetic construction, the creative application of compositional tools can also be used to “stretch the extreme boundaries of equilibrium” with a static model. It is worth examining and searching experimentally for situations in which the physical and compositional balance is not in harmony, it acts against each other.
The following chapter presents the compositional effects that can be applied in both two- and three-dimensions.
The examples in the presentation are not the same as the task, but they can give ideas and inspiration
Each group, with the help of the teacher, defines its own set of rules, concept, editorial principle, sizing, material use, etc. to create unique yet unified works!
The completed models must be documented, photographed with appropriate background and lighting. The digital portfolio of Block-03 will have to be compiled from these photographs.
Material requirements: pine model slats (at least three different cross-sections, eg: 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 mm, etc. length: 1000 mm) at least 10-15 slats, balsa wood boards of different thickness (eg: 1-2-3-4 mm, size 1000 x 100 mm) at least 3-5 plates, thin (fishing) line or steel wire if necessary.
Tools requirements: glue, Snap-off Knife, (possibly model saw), sandpaper, scissors, tape, A2 or A3 size drawing board and underlayment cardboard for work, ruler, drawing tools.