INTUITIVE PERSPECTIVE – drawing exercise
INTUITIVE PERSPECTIVE – drawing exercise - Log in
INTUITIVE PERSPECTIVE – drawing exercise
Drawing of an architectonic interior in an intuitively composed perspective, with the subsequent vertical extension of the space within the same perspective context (e.g., by the multiplication of floors upwards or downwards). Using the power of imagination along the given spatial and structural logic, the architectonic composition is further developed and articulated, and finished with an expressive representation of an imagined illumination scenario, including shadows, plasticity, textures, transparency, reflection, etc.
week_05 _04 10 2021
- "VERTICAL SPACE I": Structural drawing of a large-scale interior after a studio installation in an intuitively composed perspective (low horizon, frontal or close to frontal perspective view). Starting with A4 preliminary pen or marker pen sketches, the best composition gets developed into an A3 linear pencil drawing.
WORK PHOTOS: students need to take photos of their sketched and drawings at the end of each class or each working phase and upload them to a digital folder at the end of the semester.
SUBMISSION: the original drawings need also be submitted at the end of each class and stored in a folder.
week 06 _11 10 2021
- continuation of drawing exercise "VERTICAL SPACE I"
week_08 _25 10 2021
"VERTICAL SPACE II": Structural drawing of a large-scale interior after a studio installation in an intuitively composed perspective (low horizon, frontal or close to frontal perspective view). Starting with A4 preliminary pen or marker pen sketches, the best composition gets developed into an A3 linear pencil drawing (with the initial drawing occupying the lower half of the portrait position paper. The perspective space is then extended by the power of imagination in vertical direction, as if the structure was extended with additional level or levels. (Instead of cloning the initial geometric elements and multiplying the level with identic copies, the aim is a unique, abstracted architectonic composition). In the following classes students will extend the composition even further in vertical direction by mounting another A3 on top of the original, pushing the potential of the perspective system to the extremes. As a final step, students add shading to the drawing based on an imagined illumination scenario.
WORK PHOTOS: students need to take photos of their sketched and drawings at the end of each class or each working phase and upload them to a digital folder at the end of the semester.
SUBMISSION: the original drawings need also be submitted at the end of each class and stored in a folder.
week 09 _01 11 2021 – NO SCHEDULED CLASSES
week 10 _08 11 2021
- continuation of drawing exercise "VERTICAL SPACE II"
Students proceed with their A3 pencil drawing from last class and further extend the perspective space and the geometric elements within in vertical direction, by adding another A3 paper on top of the original. They also start adding tonal shadows based on an imagined illumination. The level of elaborateness and tonal contrasts throughout the drawing shall subside towards the edges of the paper as well as towards the depth of the space, highlighting the focal points and accents of a conscious composition.
Finalization of the drawing. Students take good quality digital photos of their finished works and arrange the original drawing in their designated folders.
SUBMISSION of work phases of Course Block II.
Material requirements: pine model slats (at least three different cross-sections, eg: 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 mm, etc. length: 1000 mm) at least 4-5 slats. White drawing sheet (A3) Canson, Fabriano Ingres, etc.
Tools requirements: glue, Snap-off Knife, (possibly model saw), sandpaper, scissors, tape, A2 or A3 size drawing board and underlayment cardboard for work, ruler, drawing tools.
For sketches: plain white (medium-gloss) for pen drawings, black pen, felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen for drawing
Equipment requirements for graphite drawing: conventional graphite pencils: B-2B, eraser, etc.