Conditions of fullfilment - Log in

General rules

Students should take part in the live classes (min. 70%). The material to study is available at the Moodle surface, as well as the video recordings of the previous academic year. 

Students must prepare a drawing assignment for 15 points. Drawings which are not prepared according to the formal requirements are not acceptable. The assignments should be done on schedule and with understanding. Late submission of an assignment  can be accepted until the late submission deadline. In case of late submission, the grade will be decreased by 3 points. Redoing unsatisfactory drawings is taken into consideration as late submission. In case of unsatisfactory drawings, the deadline of correcting them is always the following class.

In case a student wanted to improve her/his grade, she/he can submit a new assignment instead of her/his original one until 31st May 2024.

Students must take one midterm. Students may use their own printed Lecture Notes during the midterms. The retake will be organized during the retake week. The material of the midterms: the lecture notes, notes and excercises about the theory and practical topics provided on the Moodle surface, the workbook, material covered during the lectures or practicals, as well as geometric problems which are similar to the ones solved during the classes.


Submission and late submission of the drawing assignment will take place during the last class. 

The late submission of the second assignment will take place at the department on 31st May 2024 until noon (12:00). 


Students must gain at least 50 points out of maximum 100 points during the semester. The minimum requirements for the midterms and drawings are as follows:

  • min. 17.5 points out of max. 35 points for the midterm 
  • min. 7.5 points out of max. 15 points for the drawing assignment

Students may receive extra points in case of outstanding activity (solving extra excercises). 

Grading policy

45-50 5 (excellent) // 40-44.5 4 (good) // 32.5-39.5 3 (satisfactory) // 25-32 2 (pass)

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 8:42 PM