Népszínház street refurbishment
please elect this course only if you can stay in Budapest for the compulsory building camp in June 2025!!!
Person in charge at the department: Kádár Bálint PhD
Lecturers: Klaniczay János, Árpád Szabó DLA
Credits: 2
Hours per week: 2 -> half is held during the semester (class every second week) and half must be completed in a building process at the end of the semester!
Short description:
The elective course aims to teach students the practice of urban activism and participatory design, focusing on urban public space design involving local communities. Students – after analyzing the European best practices – will get experience in different Hungarian projects involving different social groups and interest-groups into the design process of public spaces. The course is based on real projects involving participatory design done with the Department of Urban Planning and Design - in the framework of the EU programme Driving urban Transitions. Students will explore the society and potentials of the neighborhood around Népszínház street, making a movie to show potentials possible here. We will also discuss the design possibilities of new urban furniture in this street, and select designs to be implemented. During the practical classes - held at the very end of the semester in the form of a summer building camp in Népszínház street - the students will build urban furniture in this selected public space in Budapest, which will stay on site for a longer period.