Urban Housing - BMEEPUI0901


    lecturer: Dr. BENKŐ Melinda habil PhD
    person in charge: Dr. BENKŐ Melinda habil PhD
    every second Friday 12.15-15.00 (16.00) / in 2025: Febr 14, 28, March 14, April 11, May 09
    grading: semester mark / 2 credits

    The objectives of this optional course are to introduce you to thinking critically about contemporary mass housing issues and solutions, to have an international comparison of the urban housing situation, and to understand the complexity of mass housing development. As students arrive from different countries, the seminar allows them to learn from each other and discover and compare several case studies. The lessons are differentiated by geopolitical position and key topics:

    Introduction / urban housing terminology 

    Post-Socialist Central and Eastern European Countries / historic vs modern housing estates

    Western European Countries / contemporary alternative housing solutions & social housing

    Outside Europe / high-rise living & gated communities  

    task: case study analysis / individual work 

    attendance: min 70% so 4/5 double occasions are mandatory

    The seminar is related to the activity of the Urban Housing LAB of the BME Department of Urban Planning and Design: http://urb.bme.hu/urbanhousing/

    The Department of Urban Planning and Design proposes Landscape Architecture BMEEPUI0904, another optional subject for the other Fridays of the semester. You are welcome on both! 


    Benkő, Melinda & Kissfazekas, Kornélia (Eds.) (2019): Understanding Post-Socialist European Cities: case studies in urban planning and design. Budapest: L'Harmattan

    Urban, Florian (2012): Tower and Slab: History of Global Mass Housing. London: Routledge

    Homy: coliving, cohabiter (2018)